August 8, 2018

Characteristics of the Abyssinian

The Abyssinian has a friendly and outgoing personality, so they love to play and hate being alone. While this medium-sized cat is very social, their adaptable temperament and playful nature allow them to find fun in tackling toys or racing up and down stairs (or scratching posts) all by themselves. Soon enough, though, an Aby will seek attention from their housemates, no matter the species.

Full-grown around a year of age, the Abyssinian will maintain a kitten-like quality well into adulthood despite their elegant, refined appearance. Abyssinians are known as “Aby-grabbys” because they like to grab things and knock them off counters. Also, these cats are known as the “clowns of the cat kingdom,” and are even referred to as “Aby-silly-an.” Their silly, playful nature helps them get along great with dogs.

Affection Level  Medium to High

Friendliness  Medium to High  

Kid-Friendly  Medium to High

Pet-Friendly  Medium to High

Exercise Needs  Medium

Playfulness  High

Energy Level  High

Intelligence  High


The Abyssinian is a medium-sized cat with a lean, muscular build that is fully developed around one year of age. The ears are relatively large, giving the cat a wild appearance similar to a Savannah cat.

The Aby's short and rather dense coat can range in color from ruddy, red, and cinnamon to blue or fawn (females with fawn coloration are rare and expensive). Their large, almond-shaped eyes can be green or gold.


While an active cat, the Abyssinian is an easy cat to have in your home. They love people and other animals. They will play with their own toys for hours but also enjoy a good period of time of interactive play with their parents. They will talk to you in a soft, quiet voice. The Abyssinian is loving and affectionate, and loves to spend time with her parent. While the Abyssinian coat is easy to care for, the Abyssinian likes being combed or rubbed with a chamois cloth. She will reward you with a loving purr.

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